LIVE Coverage: InterAction Forum 2012

What is the InterAction Forum?

The annual InterAction Forum assembles leaders from member NGOs, governments, philanthropy, corporations and civil society. The event features thought-provoking plenary sessions and more than 50 workshops where participants share ideas and learn about the latest development and humanitarian trends. This year’s Forum will examine such topics as the U.S. government’s changing role in development, how we can involve youth in discourse around changing political structures, what the development community should work towards after the MDGs, and the evolution of multilateral institutions.

FHI 360 is proud to be a sponsor of InterAction Forum 2012. Stay tuned on this page for updates from the conference throughout the week.


Quick Links: Forum 2012 site | Twitter feed at #IAForum


News and Blogs

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Q&A with Gordon Raley, Director of Public Policy, FHI 360: Reflections on the InterAction Forum 2012

1. What is InterAction and why is this conference significant?

InterAction is a collaboration of international development organizations. Its members range from small to the large international non-governmental organizations or INGOs as we are called, so you pick up many different perspectives at this conference… Read the full post.


Monday, April 30, 2012

Remarks to the InterAction Forum on the Role of Development in U.S. Global Engagement

By Maria Otero, U.S. Department of State

Good morning. It’s an honor to be here this morning with all of you, and to share this opening session with my friend and colleague Don Steinberg. I come with enthusiastic greetings from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who asked me to convey her regrets that she could not be here with you today…Read the full post.



Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In the video below, Basant Montaser, a visiting youth from Egypt, shares her views on service integration in development projects, particularly for women. Ms. Montaser attended the InterAction Forum this year as a speaker during Tuesday’s morning plenary. Her trip to the conference was sponsored by Save the Children.


Live Twitter conversation at #IAForum